Updated Articles

  1. Search basics

    The goal of search is to get readers to relevant content. There are many things happening behind the scenes to help make this happen. As much as possible, our goal is to provide a search that works really well out-of-the-box while also giving you vi...
  2. Search phrases

    Learn how to add search phrases to articles.
  3. Search for readers

    You can search your Readers list using all or portions of the name, email address, or reader ID.
  4. Search Activity

    The Search Activity section lets you see where searches and tickets are coming from, drill into the searches to see more details, and export a CSV containing the details for all searches in the selected Date Range. Use the Date Range dropdown...
  5. SAML SSO setup overview

    While specific individual steps vary based on your flavor of SAML Single Sign-On (SSO), at a high level, the overall process includes these steps: Add the KnowledgeOwl SP info to your SAML SSO provider. (SP entity ID, SP Login URL, and SP Logout U...
  6. Schedule an article to be published

    Learn how to schedule an article for publication.
  7. Schedule an article to be archived

    Learn how to schedule an article for archival.
  8. Section breakdown: Article

    Learn about the options to customize text in your article.
  9. Search term analytics

    Some third-party tools can help provide more insight into what people are searching for either to find your knowledge base or within your knowledge base.
  10. Section breakdown: Article Lists

    Learn about the options to customize text in your New, Popular, Updated, Recent, and Favorites article lists.