Updated Articles

  1. Salesforce configuration intro

    Salesforce SSO will restrict access to your knowledge base to only individuals with a valid login to your Salesforce account. Readers logged in to Salesforce will be able to access your knowledge base, and anyone who tries to access your knowledge b...
  2. Restrict Content to Logged In Readers

    You can restrict some content so that it is only visible to specific readers. To do so, create a reader group or groups and then restrict the category or individual articles to that group. Restrictions can be set: At the category level: restr...
  3. Restrict a category to certain readers

    Learn how to restrict a category or subcategory to certain readers in KnowledgeOwl.
  4. Reset an author password

    Learn how to reset an author's password in KnowledgeOwl.
  5. Restrict content to author teams

    Restrict content so that it can only be edited by certain authors.
  6. Reset article views in the Popular Articles report

    Learn how to reset the view data for individual articles or your entire knowledge base.
  7. Share articles between categories and knowledge bases

    You can use a single article in multiple categories and across knowledge bases. The content (body) of the article as well as all versions stay in sync across all shared articles. Each article can have its own title, restrictions, and callouts. These...
  8. Restoring deleted files

    Sometimes, you delete the wrong file by accident--maybe you didn't realize you'd selected an entire row of files, or two files are named identically and you deleted the wrong one. KnowledgeOwl allows you to restore files you've deleted....
  9. REST API documentation in KnowledgeOwl

    When creating API documentation, very often you'll want to be able to automatically generate docs from a specification file or from the code. KnowledgeOwl does not have built-in support for this. However, it is possible to integrate with other ...
  10. Run a required search reindex

    Learn how to run a required search reindex in your knowledge base.