🎤New feature drop: Tools > Advanced Search

I've been hinting at this addition to the Tools menu in several different Wisdom Wednesdays, so I'm ecstatic to be able to announce:

We've now released our new Advanced Search in the Tools menu!

Why this matters

Previously, you could run a search in your live knowledge base or run a search in Knowledge Base > Manage, but those searches generally only searched for actual text in the body of the article or the title.

There are many times when you might want to search for something that isn't straight text, like:

  • A particular color hex or rgb value
  • A URL used in hyperlinks
  • A particular class you've used for styling
  • Finding all articles that have iframes embedded within them (or any other HTML element)
  • And so many more!

Advanced Search is powerful because it will search the underlying HTML of your articles rather than the expressed text, so you can now search for any of these.

How to use it

The Advanced Search offers you two options for performing an HTML search:

  • Exact match: case-sensitive search for the EXACT string you enter
  • Regex pattern: case-insensitive search that you can run a string or a more complex regex pattern into

Once you've run your search, all articles that match your search term will be added to a CSV file for your download and review.

Learn more

If you're interested in learning more, we'll be hosting a Wisdom Wednesday session on using this new feature on Wednesday, August 30th!