Have you ever discovered that you have two tags that are kind of similar to each other or redundant? Despite the best of intentions and style guides, these kinds of things happen. Even I, in all my head documentation owl power, occasionally create redundant tags, either due to typing too fast or changing usage over time. In the past, the way to adjust this typically involved some Manage filters and some bulk editing.
I'm pleased to announce that we've made this a much more streamlined process by introducing the option to Merge tags.
Merging tags will update all articles with the final tag you've selected and remove the tricky duplicate tag you want to get rid of.
Our default Editor and Writer roles have permission to merge tags, and if you're using custom roles, anyone with permission to both edit tags and delete tags will also see it. We've tucked it into the Edit pop-up in the Tag Library.
Check out Merge tags for complete step-by-step instructions, or see What does merging tags do? for a rundown of what happens behind the scenes.
We're hoping this helps reduce some administrative overhead time, particularly for those of you who've inherited a knowledge base or are managing a large team of contributors. Let us know what you think!
A sample Merge Tags pop-up