🥔 Nat'l Potato Day bugfixes

Honestly, I think the potato deserves more than its own day—it should have a week at least! This humble and delicious food feeds our bodies and hearts, as Agnès Varda so heartwarmingly captured in her work and life.

In celebration of our favorite tuber, we're sharing our latest bugfixes and improvements:

  • We've updated how our system handles accented characters in URLs and Title Tags:
    • URLs: Accented characters are now converted to their unaccented equivalents, rather than being removed entirely. For example, an article titled "Olé" will now have the URL:

      https://aloha.knowledgeowl.com/help/ole. Previously, it would have been /ol (with the accented character removed).

    • Title Tags: Accented characters now display correctly in Title Tags.

  • There was an issue in Style > Settings that wouldn't let you preview your login page—you'd see an error about it refusing to connect. This has been fixed, so now you can preview your login page! :)

  • Vimeo embed codes were getting partially stripped by our editor, so the full screen option wasn't displaying. We've solved this issue, so now your Vimeo embeds will display how they ought to.

  • There was a not-cool issue for folks who rejected cookies. They were getting an error message when hitting Save on articles! This has been fixed, so you can freely choose only necessary cookies and edit away to your heart's content.

  • The Favorites Table of Contents HTML was getting inserted into the top navigation for some folks with specific Glossary settings. This has been fixed, so that HTML will stay where it belongs.

  • We're excited to announce that a long-awaited Confluence import has been builtYou can now import content directly from Confluence automatically. You can find this option under the Import area of the app.

  • In Settings > Style, you now have the power to revert your theme to its default Style Settings. If you want to give your knowledge base (KB) a complete makeover, you have the power to do so! Reach out if you'd like us to make a Sandbox copy of your current KB so you can try this out.

We hope these fixes and improvements help bring us closer to being your potato of knowledge base software: indispensable, comforting, reliable, versatile, and beloved.