Happy National Wildlife Day! I celebrated by taking a hike with my pooch in the woods. I saw 2 frogs, a mouse, a beaver dam, and a whole lot of squirrels—I'd say it was a success!
Today is a great day to appreciate all of the beautiful creatures living alongside us. While these release notes mention some bugs we've recently fixed, no actual bugs were harmed in the process.
- No more duplicate file names in the File Library. We've now made it impossible to add two files with the same name to your File Library. Now if you try to add a file that has the same name as an existing file, a random string of digits will be appended to the name. This is a small quality of life improvement that allows you to tell files apart without having to look at their URLs or File IDs.
- We now show the status of articles when you search for snippet and file references. Previously, if you were viewing snippet or file references, the lists included deleted articles that referenced the snippet or file. This could make it tricky to figure out the impact to live/published articles. But we didn't want to remove deleted articles completely, since those might still be useful references. We now show the publishing status for any article reference:
Sample file reference list showing article publishing status
- Better Settings > Style behavior when you toggle between Custom CSS and Custom HTML. Previously, when you toggled between the Custom CSS and Custom HTML tabs (and the Custom HTML dropdown options), you'd be automatically scrolled down to the editing pane, bumping the Custom CSS/Custom HTML selector off the screen. We didn't like this behavior, since it made it harder to confirm you'd selected the right thing. We've removed that scrolling behavior so you no longer need to scroll up to ensure you're editing the right place.
These updates include security patches.
If you don't have the luxury of getting out into nature to find some wildlife today, then you can always visit some online. There are loads of wonderful live cams out there, like this one of Great Horned Owls. Hoot!