Author dropdown now limited to authors assigned to the KB

If you have more than one knowledge base with us (thank you!), we've made some changes to the Author field to help streamline the editing workflow just a bit.

Previously all authors in your account were visible in the author dropdown.

However, if you have different knowledge bases for different departments, customers, or teams, the author list can get pretty cluttered. In some cases, it might be considered a security concern to display everyone's names.

We've updated things so that only authors who are currently assigned to the knowledge base will be displayed:

If you have existing content that has an author who is no longer assigned to that knowledge base, the author will still be displayed for that article. They just won't display in the Authors dropdown in any other articles, and won't be available as an option in Manage custom filters.

We hope this change helps make those lists shorter and more relevant for our multi-knowledge base customers!