💇Category Editor makeover: Righthand column edition

Around the new year, we replaced the righthand column of the Article Editor with a newer, fancier column. We planned to add that same change to the Category Editor and then...things happened.

But here we are, ten months later, very delighted to share that at long last, Category Editor has gotten the same update.

Category Editor should now look and feel more or less identical to the Article Editor:

  • The option to Show/Hide All sections to preserve screen real estate.
  • Related Articles gets the updated interface to drag/drop and reorder articles, instead of the older arrows.
  • Recommend On Pages get separate entries instead of one giant text box.
  • Removed all the old red X's and replaced with trash can icons.
  • Custom content categories' version section mimics the article editor and is placed much higher on the page.

We're delighted that this again makes the righthand column of the editors have a consistent look, feel, and order. And we're planning some other improvements to our user interface in the coming months, so stay tuned!