National High Five Day bug fixes ✋

National High Five Day is apparently the third Thursday in April. Though, given current social distancing and pandemic guidelines, we hope if you're high-fiving, you're masked and hand-sanitizing afterward or doing an elbow bump instead. It's a great day to show a little extra appreciation to all the owls in your life, regardless of how you're able to do that.

We're appreciative of our developers ✋, who released these bug fixes in the last week:

  • Reader welcome emails: Customers using the workflow to require approval of pending reader requests noticed that the welcome email readers received once approved was our default welcome, rather than the welcome email as they'd edited it. We've fixed this to ensure approved reader welcome emails properly reflect your reader welcome email template.
  • Child shared content articles: Child shared content articles in the same knowledge base were displaying the parent's title. We've fixed this so these shared content articles properly sync the article body but maintain separate titles, permalinks, and metadata. (Note: articles in Shared content categories still properly synchronize their titles and permalinks!)
  • In the Table of Contents: We have logic in the Table of Contents to hide categories that contain no articles. However, this meant that categories containing articles that were all marked "Hide from table of contents" were being hidden even if you had the category set to "Navigate" (rather than toggle/display contents). We've updated that logic so that if you have categories marked as Navigate, if they contain articles that are hidden from the table of contents, the category will still be displayed in the Table of Contents.