Happy National Simplicity Day (also known as Henry David Thoreau's birthday).
While these bugs weren't simple to fix, we're happy to say we DID fix them and we hope your experience of KnowledgeOwl is a little bit simpler as a result:
- The Export readers to CSV was not consistently populating the Site Access list of knowledge bases. It should be now, even for very large lists of readers!
- In Settings > Search, if you had excluded a category from search, and you later saved another change to the settings, the category was getting removed. We've fixed this so it properly persists unless you explicitly remove it.
- Also in Search: we'd noticed that occasionally, customers had to reindex search twice to see all changes. We discovered that an automatic back-up feature was causing this, since you can't back something up if it's being edited. So we've added an extra check into the reindex process so that it delays starting if a back-up is being actively run (and it gives you a warning if this has happened). The reindex will automatically begin as soon as that back-up is complete. You can learn more about this tweak at Delayed reindex.
These updates include security patches.
Now excuse me while I go contemplate Thoreau's sentiment that "As you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will be simpler" and wonder if one could change it to "As you simplify your docs, the laws of your knowledge base will be simpler"... 🤔🧐