Secure file library: now with direct authentication for file URLs

Due to customer requests, we've added a new workflow for customers using our Secure File Library (which requires authentication to view files stored in your knowledge base).

Previously, with this setting enabled, if you shared the hyperlink to a file with someone and they tried to navigate to that URL without being logged in to the knowledge base, they'd receive an "Access Denied" message. They then had to manually go to the knowledge base and login before they could enter the URL to view the file. Lots of extra manual steps.   

What we've changed

Now, when someone navigates to the file URL, they'll be redirected to your knowledge base's default login method (shared password, reader login, SSO login). Once they enter valid credentials, they'll be able to view the file. Pretty smooth!

We hope this streamlines the use of Secure File Library functionality.

Let us know what you think.