World Bicycle 🚲 Day bug fixes

Today is National Donut Day and National Egg Day, so if you prefer edible holidays, go for one of those. But there's nothing like a worldwide day dedicated to that most delightful of transportation options: the bicycle. 🚲🚵‍♀️🚴‍♂️

We have a few bug fixes and small enhancements to report today:

  • We discovered that when you first enable the reader login/logout page, the login page wasn't properly loading. We fixed this.
  • Topic display categories previously did not have the option to remove the PDF icon. We've updated them to include that checkbox in the Restrictions section.
  • For those of you using SAML SSO, we've made a slight improvement to the IdP Certificate upload process. Previously, once you uploaded the certificate, you'd need to hit Save for the certificate to be fully properly saved. We've streamlined this process so that as soon as you select the certificate file, we automatically submit the certificate save and give you a confirmation message back. We've updated our screenshots and documentation to match.

Also, the world record for the longest distance cycling underwater without oxygen was set in 2013 by Fabio Falla, at 67.6 meters. The more you know.