🎂 Nat'l Cake Day bugfixes

Well here it is, the big day you didn't know you were waiting for: Happy National Cake day, everyone! It feels a bit like eating dessert before dinner, in its timing before Thanksgiving - but that's where we're at. In celebration of this sweet treat, I'm sharing some bugfixes we've released recently - and as bonus content at the end, I'll include a photo of me, from the 1980s, about to chow down on a piece of cake. 

Bye-bye beta: We have removed the beta tag from our required reading and advanced search features. We have also decided to no longer use the term 'beta' for features we're testing out. Instead, we will have 3 categories of features we release: experimental, early release, and new. These categories help us understand and communicate better where we are in the development process. 

Edit (anyplace) in the app: There was a bug that made the 'edit in app' option didn't work on all pages. Now you should be able to click to edit anywhere within the app via this option. The 'edit in app' option is visible when you're logged in as an Author, and viewing the live knowledge base.  

New body class is in session: We added a new body classname "hg-blog-page" for blog-style categories and articles, which will make customization less complicated within these categories. 

Article search is now easier to find: With the new Navigation we've put out as an early release, we've continued making improvements as we go. There's been a number of them, but the biggest one is the new location of where you can search for articles and categories in-app. You'll find a search bar at the very top of your screen that, when clicked, will open a new dialogue box for searching: 

And as promised, here is a wee Erica on her 5th birthday pumped to get to the cake under that candle: 

Happy Cake Day!