🩴 Nat'l Flip Flop Day bugfixes

Happy National Flip Flop day! Today we celebrate this cheap and cheerful wardrobe staple. In honor of its lightweight utility, I'm sharing 2 bugfixes we've released recently.

1.  Our recent revisions area has a diff comparison area that wasn't working like it should. The HTML area was ok, but the text preview wasn't highlighting the changes as it should have been. The left-hand navigation also wasn't loading when you were in that area of the app. This has been fixed now, so you can easily view the changes you've made to an article recently (and navigate out of there too!) 

2. Copy/pasting was inconsistent within Firefox for some time, where pasting from outside of Firefox into the editor would often fail. We've done some testing since we updated our editor, and it appears like this issue is resolved now. Contact us if you run into any trouble when pasting into the WYSIWYG editor within Firefox, though!