Today is National Pet Day! We're celebrating with some squashed bugs - no insects harmed, I promise.
Undo/redo button back in action
The undo/redo buttons had disappeared from the article editor, affecting the regular workflow of a number of our customers. Thanks to your reports on the issue, we were able to fix it fairly quickly. Those buttons have now returned the editor.
Some sticky pasting problems resolved
- When copy/pasting a within a list, the pasted item was jumping to the next line of the list. Jumping text is never a nice experience, so we've corrected that behavior. The pasted text will remain on the same line you pasted it onto.
- Post-update, the article editor began to strip out classes and IDs from pasted elements. That's been fixed now, so what you copy will actually paste - even the classes and IDs :)
- There was a long-running bug that we couldn't fix until we updated the article editor. When you pasted text into an article with at least one table, extraneous inline HTML styles were applied to the table. With the update, we were finally able to fix this! đ
A couple wee improvements
Not really bugs but a couple of things we thought we could do better on, so we did better on, and I'm sneaking 'em into this bugfix release note. đ
- After we spruced up our left-hand navigation, the name of the knowledge base you were working within no longer appeared in the top menu. No biggie for the most part, since you can always see it on the top of the left-hand nav. Except... not in Style > Settings. For folks like myself that work within multiple KBs and tend to have about 900 tabs open at once, this could cause confusion. We have now added the name of the knowledge base into the View link at the top of Style > Settings, so you can edit these settings without fear of doing it in the wrong place:
Sample View link with knowledge base name
- We've also made the top of the left-hand nav sticky. This allows the name of the KB, the search function and the view KB button to always be visible, even if you've scrolled far down the navigation.
Added bonus
Now since it is National Pet Day, I had to take advantage of the occasion and show off some of KO's pets.
I'll start with my favorite (fully biased, 100% yes I know) - my dog Ruf, the pooch who defies logic by being almost 90 lbs but somehow also the world's teeniest baby. He's terrified of the vacuum, he's the best boy in the entire world, and he has a deeply relatable intensity when cheese is nearby.

Zola Batty McKoda is Kate's special needs husky mix. Zola has a seizure disorder and some neurological abnormalities that keep her a permanent puppy. She's also part wookie, if her yodeling shrieks are any indication. She is the master of melt-your-heart shelter dog eyebrows and takes her job as chief sniffer and snoopervisor very seriously.
Finally let me introduce you to GERTIE!! Veronica rescued this long and short treasure. Protector of the mail slot, hater of rain and general snuggle bug, we love Gertie. You should also love Gertie, imho.
As always, reach out if we can support you in any way. Or if you're just inspired to show us your furry friends đž We always want to see your pet photos.