Customize Text Tool: Article template (and some rearranging!)

We've now added the Article template to the Customize Text tool. You can read more about the customize text options here: Section breakdown: Article.

As part of this change, we've also made changes to two other features:

  • Settings > Article Ratings
  • Settings > Comments

Both of these features had text fields directly stored for them. To unify the Customize Text tool, we have now moved those pre-existing text customizations into Tools > Customize Text. To complete that change, we migrated the text you'd previously entered for Ratings or Comments over to the Customize Text Tool.

While you shouldn't need to do much of anything here, if you're using either of these features, we recommend you give a quick review to be sure things were transferred over properly:

  1. Go to Tools > Customize Text.
  2. Select Article from the Knowledge Base Section dropdown.
  3. Review the text strings added here and make any adjustments you see fit. (For example, when I checked ours, I noticed that one of our apostrophes didn't come through properly.)

One other quick note on working with the new Article options in Customize Text:

A few of these text strings will warn you that for the text strings to take effect, you'll need to update your knowledge base theme (at Settings > Style). This is because in the past, we coded the text for those strings directly into the Custom HTML Article template in Settings > Style, and that text needs to be replaced with a new merge code. If you get a warning when you edit one of these text strings, we have specific instructions for those text strings available here: Update Style Settings with Customize Text merge code.

New knowledge bases moving forward will automatically use these new text string merge codes in Settings > Style.