External URL Articles and Categories

By popular request, we've added the ability to create categories and articles that link to external web pages.

This can be very useful if you have a company web page, blog, or other external content that you want people to be able to get to from your knowledge base with one click.

External URL  Categories

For categories, we've created a new type that you can choose either when creating the category or editing it.

 Enter in the URL that you want to link to and choose whether you want the link to open in a new tab or the current open tab.

The category will still show up in your site in all of the normal places such as the table of contents and the home page panels.

External URL Articles

For articles, we've added the external URL setting to the article editor page. From inside the editor, choose External Redirect to set the link and choose whether to open in a new tab or not.

The article will still show up in all the normal places like the table of contents and search, but clicking on it will redirect to your chosen URL.

This option can also be used to redirect old articles to new ones!