File references now tracked!

This feature has been on my personal "please let's build this" list for quite some time, so I'm especially excited to announce that File Library will now track and display File References moving forward!

We're now tracking when a file is used in:

  • Articles: article body, URL redirect, thumbnail, banner
  • Categories: icon, URL redirect; custom content category body content; thumbnail and banner for the category types which have them
  • Snippets: snippet body
  • Theme: Logo in Settings > Style or files referenced in any of the Custom HTML templates

These references will be tracked and updated on-save moving forward.

To populate all your existing references, we need to run a one-time reindex on your knowledge base. Please contact us to run this reindex if you'd like to start using the field right away!

References are visible in Library > Files:

  • In both Thumbnail and List View when you select an individual file, in the metadata section in the bottom.
  • In List View, References have their own column:

In both cases, the initial display shows you reference counts for certain reference types (article, category, snippet) and will just mention if the file is used in the theme at all.

Once you click View details, you'll be able to see a hyperlinked list of all the places the file is actually used. Here's what it might look like if you had all reference types:

For a video walkthrough, see this recording of our Wisdom Wednesday session: