Today's title was a toss-up between International Sudoku Day and Care Bears Share Your Care Day. While I went with Sudoku Day because it's an international holiday (and I appreciate that it's on 9/9), a quick shout-out to Care Bears Share Your Care Day, with its focus on promoting giving and volunteerism.
We have a lot of fixes and improvements to announce today, since we'd been a bit backed up releasing them while we finished the background job updates, so without further ado:
Related Articles: Drag and drop reordering
We've rolled out a slight UI change to the Related Articles section of the editor. Previously, you could only reorder related articles by clicking an up arrow next to one of the articles. This could be pretty tedious if you had a lot of articles and needed to do a lot of reordering.
We've now added a drag-and-drop reordering interface here, so you can click on the up/down arrow and drag the article to the place in the list you'd like it to appear.
This change was a customer suggestion and we're already in love with it; I hope it makes your Related Articles ordering a lot smoother!
Bug fixes
Zach and David have been busy working on a number of bugs and small feature enhancements, including these:
- For shared content articles, child articles' meta description wasn't displaying in category landing pages. We've fixed this so in search results and category landing pages, both child and parent articles' meta descriptions should show if you're using settings that would display them.
- We added the Modern/Legacy editor toggle to Homepage. (Previously, there was no toggle and you had to open an article, change the editor, and then go back to Homepage to see it in the new editor.)
- In the Published Articles with 0 Views report in Reporting > Dashboard, the CSV export was not including custom content or topic display categories visible in the UI. We've updated the CSV so it properly includes all articles and categories included in the report.
- Some custom content categories created before our updates to editor permissions framework had some issues where new changes saved in the app were not displaying to readers of the knowledge base. We have added a fix for this issue, but please let us know if you're still noticing any inconsistencies with these categories.
- Based on a customer suggestion, we made a small tweak to the process for editing an API key: previously, we would throw a confirmation warning before accepting any edits to a key (editing either the purpose or the allowed methods). Since editing the purpose alone doesn't impact the API key's behavior, we've now removed that scary warning if you're only editing the purpose. You'll continue to see the warning if you add or remove allowed methods for the key, though!
- When editing a filter in Manage, if your filter title had characters like ', or & in it, when you opened the Edit Filter option, those characters would be replaced with the encoded version of the characters (example: ' became '). If you saved the filter, those encoded characters would be saved into the title. We've updated the Edit Filter logic so it properly shows those characters and only does encoding behind the scenes.
- A keen-eyed customer let us know that the comment notification emails were directing to the http: link of the article in their knowledge base, and weren't always redirecting properly. Since we have fully removed our http: option for knowledge bases last year, we updated our email template to only use https:. Let us know if you're still seeing anything odd with the article links in comment notification emails!
Whew! That's it for today. Enjoy International Sudoku Day doing whatever logic puzzle or brain teaser you choose, and keep letting us know how you'd like to see KnowledgeOwl improved! 🧮