We received a lot of great feedback in our first annual customer survey. We're continuing to scope and make decisions on these suggestions, but we're excited to share the second small feature we've built as a result of this feedback: more columns in the Manage Articles CSV export to show data displayed in the Reporting Dashboard.
Specifically, we're now including the columns from the Article Ratings Report and the Popular Articles Report. The Manage Articles CSV export already included total views, but we've now added these columns:
- Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down (if you're using thumb ratings)
- Total Ratings/Star Rating Average (if you're using star ratings)
- Quality Views
- Last Viewed Date
This will basically give you the Article Ratings Report and Popular Articles Report fields in CSV export alongside the rest of the articles' data--great additions if you're looking to do more analysis of those reports in relation to content types, authors, etc.
New Manage fields, as displayed in a knowledge base with thumbs up/down ratings
We're still testing some more changes to Manage Articles in the coming months, so the layout here may change, but we wanted you to know that these fields were now available in the export!