TIL: there's some uncertainty about where the word "burrito" actually comes from. Burrito literally translates to "little donkey." Jeffery Pilcher, a professor of food history at the University of Toronto, claims that the name originated because donkeys often food to and from destinations in Mexico. Other sources say it's because burritos look like the bedrolls that donkeys often carried. Either way, consider this your excuse to go do some first-person research and eat a burrito. 😉
While we haven't been cooking up burrito fixings, our team has been hard at work on some new features. None of them is quite out yet.
But we did release fixes for a few bugs this week:
- The Broken Links Report used to include tel: links. Since there is no automated way to verify the validity of a phone number, we've now removed these links from the report.
- If you've set up your file library to require that someone be logged in to view files, you might notice a small change when you first log in to app.knowledgeowl.com. In the switch-project view where all your knowledge bases are displayed, the logo image would often show as a broken image until you had opened the knowledge base. This is one of those quirks of secure file library. We decided to hide the logos completely in the switch-project view just to avoid showing you a misleading broken icon link. They'll still show everywhere else, including your live knowledge base, though!
- Previously, in the Contextual Help Widget (2.0), right-clicking some of the article links to open in a new tab wouldn't properly open the articles--you'd get a kind of weird half-widget article view in the new tab. We've updated Widget 2.0 so that right-clicking on any link here--including search results, the contact form suggested content, Recommended, and Knowledge tab articles--will properly support opening in a new tab. Thanks to Edwin for letting us know this was a problem!
- Also in Widget 2.0: we had reports of some inconsistent behavior when using the openArticle function to open the widget to a specific article. We rolled out a fix for this and have heard back from the customer that it was behaving better now. If you're still noticing any issues with the widget openArticle or openCategory functions not behaving consistently, please contact us and let us know!