🐈 Nat'l Hairball Awareness Day Bugfixes

If you've ever had to clean one up, you're already quite aware of hairballs, no doubt. But National Hairball Awareness Day is meant to be a reminder to pay special attention to your kitty's health and give them some extra care. A scritch, a new jingly toy, or maybe a fancy snack; treat them like the royalty we all know that they are. 

We always do our best to treat our customers extra special, and that includes working hard to fix any bugs that might be bothersome to them. Here are the bugfixes we've released since my last note: 

  • Single Sign-On (SSO): If you've been using SAML/SSO without having SAML mapping set up, instead of ignoring existing reader accounts (as our warning and documentation state), we were often logging everyone in as an existing reader. This meant that all comments or subscriptions might look like they were coming from a single reader. We've fixed this: if you have no SAML mapping set up, we won't create or update readers in your knowledge base. (Though, to minimize disruption, we will still log the end user in and give them basic access; we just won't update reader groups or anything like that!)
  • When you add a favicon in Settings > Style, we save that image file to the File Library. But we weren't updating the file references for the favicon. We've fixed this so favicon files will now show a theme file reference (though you may need to re-save your Style Settings to see it!).
  • If you'd customized your new reader welcome email and were not using using your own SMTP provider for reader emails, the customized subject was working properly, but the email body text was still sending our default welcome message. We've fixed this so the customized reader welcome email body will send properly now.