đŸ˜ģ Nat'l Love your Pet Day bugfixes

Has there ever been a less necessary day to be excited about? No! It's National Love your Pet Day, which I mean c'mon that's literally every day of the year - but still. I suppose it's fun to have a day to talk (even more) about how much we love our pets. Me, I have the best dog not only in the world, but of all history, too. Ruf aka Rufie-poo aka Poofie-Roo is the very cutest, sweetest, snuggliest, most comforting and hilarious buddy a human could ask for. You may have seen him in our newsletters, in our onboarding material, or any other place I can get away with sharing his cuteness with the world. I will also add images of the very good boy below. 

Whoops, ok, I got carried away with my dog again. So just as Ruf reliably greets me with pure joy when I come home, so too will KnowledgeOwl always do our best to make your lives better. Here are the recent bugfixes we have released in that same happy spirit: 

  1. Missing article action icons names: When you view an article, there are action icons for downloading as PDF, printing, emailing and un/favoriting. Previously, the PDF icon was the only one that was displayed a name/title element by default. This meant that there wasn't a hover-over text for the icons, which made them throw errors in screen readers. Not cool. We've now added these attributes, as well as added it to our Customize Text strings, so you can add your own title to them, if you wish to call them something different from what we've named them. 
  2. Linus Assist within the Editor: Linus Assist is our connection with OpenAI that is in its experimental release phase. Trial accounts can access it to help them author drafts of articles based on titles they choose. Initially, we had included a button within the article editor that gave you access to the feature, but we lost it during a set of updates. We've brought back now though, so if you're in a trial, you can test it out from the Editor as well as via the Create Article flow. Refer to Use Linus Assist to generate content for an existing article for more detailed instructions.
  3.  Parent/child articles not syncing properly when created via the API: If you created an article in a parent shared content category via the API, the article wouldn't sync to the child categories, which rather defeats the entire point of synced categories. We've fixed this so the articles should sync as expected no matter how you're creating the article. 
  4. New Secure File Library Infrastructure: We've created a new infrastructure for secure file libraries that uses signed CloudFront URLs. If anyone would like early access to this new infrastructure, please contact us and we can add it to your knowledge base! 

Now, here is my best friend for your viewing pleasure: 

dog catching a treat And here is one of the a-billion paintings I have done of this super pooch:

painting of a dog

If you have any questions or want more images of Ruf in your inbox please let us know!