TIL: February 1st has many "national day of..." designations. It was a little overwhelming picking one, but it's been a while since I did an animal-themed release note, so National Serpent Day it is! đ
In the last week, we've slithered a few bug fixes and small tweaks into KnowledgeOwl, including:
- Thanks to feedback from an eagle-eyed author, we realized that File references were not tracking files used in Homepage. We have corrected this oversight. You will need to resave your homepage with a small text change (a few extra spaces, a line break, etc.) to see the references update. If you haven't had a reference reindex done since we released File References, just contact us to run one to pull in all references!
- Broken Link Checker now includes category description.
- When using Shared content articles, if you tried to created a version note in the child shared content article, the note would not save. We've fixed this so version notes can be created and edited from both parent and child shared content articles.
- In the Add Category pop-up, we have finally updated "Topic-based" to "Topic display" so it is consistent with the Category Type dropdown. I'm not sure if anyone other than me will notice this but I am so happy to have this wording updated!