National Skipping Rope Day, that is. So if you've been looking for an excuse to get out a jump rope, today's the day!
In the last week, we released fixes for these bugs:
- We discovered that the icon panels subcategory display option was not properly adjusting the number of panels per row on mobile devices and other small screens. We've updated this so it is properly responsive now.
- In Widget reporting, topic display categories and custom content categories were displaying two rows in individual page paths, which could make ordering your recommendations or using the Display article when there is only one recommended option. We've fixed this so they only display one row.
- On some old knowledge bases, accessing the Settings > Widget page was throwing a 500 error. We've fixed that.
We're also going to be testing out a small change in our release schedule, focusing on delivering feature enhancements and new features overnight Tuesday - Wednesday (still rolling out bug fixes as they become available, though!). So keep an eye out on Wednesdays the next few weeks to see what new goodies have made it into KnowledgeOwl! 😊