🏠 Nat'l Work From Home Day bugfixes

Since we're a totally remote company, we're pretty much always celebrating this day, but hopefully many of you are today, too!

We recently released fixes for these bugs:

  • In the Article Editor, sometimes selecting the Deleted Publishing Status wasn't actually working. 🫒 This was an unintended consequence of us updating our category delete process to require an additional confirmation. We've fixed the logic error that was causing issues in articles.
  • In Manage, if you Bulk Edited to exclude articles from search, the articles weren't actually being excluded from search until they were manually resaved. We've updated the behavior here (which is also what prompted us to update the API for that field). This won't fix any articles that had previously been bulk edited this way, but all bulk edits moving forward should properly exclude articles from search.

We should have a lot more updates coming out in the next two weeks, so stay tuned!