Nat'l 🪀Yo-Yo🪀Day bugfixes

Today is National Yo-Yo Day.

Fixing bugs in software is a bit like playing with a yo-yo; eventually it feels like the same thing just came back around to get fixed again. 😅

We recently rolled out fixes for these bugs:

  • Standard PDF export (Full PDF Download), Custom PDF exports, and Individual article PDFs: We learned that iframes containing Google Slides were causing PDF generation to fail. Since PDFs can't display the content within iframes anyway, we've adjusted our PDF generator so that it skips iframes entirely. Hopefully this keeps all PDFs generating more smoothly!
  • HTTP response headers: Thanks to a report from a customer, we learned that our Content Security Policy settings weren't allowing you to save a domain with a scheme (such as https: or wss:). We've updated our CSP logic to allow schemes to be included.
  • Versions: When the  Make Visible to Groups option was selected and someone opened a version from the table of contents, they were unable to toggle back to a different version in the table of contents. We fixed this so the table of contents behaves properly in these situations.

And this isn't a bug fix, but a small change in behavior:

When you delete a category, whether in the Articles page using the trashcan icon or in the Category Editor, you will now have to type the word "delete" to confirm the deletion. We've had a rising number of cases where people deleted categories without realizing it would also delete all of the content within the category, and we're testing out this additional step to see if it encourages people to be sure they're deleting the right category and (hopefully!) read the message that it will delete all the content within the category. 🤞

And another thing:

Also, for you style guide fans: I generally use Sentence case for these release note titles, but when I do bugfix notes, I'm capitalizing the holiday I use. Given the mishmash of style guide I'm using here, I had to pause when I was working on my capitalization. I went with National Yo-Yo Day bugfixes, but if you want to convince me I should have used National Yo-yo Day bugfixes, please drop a comment below--I am here for your style guide debates!