New Articles

  1. Where can you set reader groups?

    You can specify reader group restrictions in: Categories Articles Snippets You'll see the option to "Restrict to Groups" or "Restrict to Reader Groups" in the editor for each of these. ...
  2. Step 5: Create final apex classes in Salesforce

    Now, you can create the final two apex classes needed for the integration. To do so: Navigate back to Setup > Custom Code > Apex Classes . Create another new Apex class. Copy and paste the following code into the apex class body and Save the ...
  3. Step 4: Create a Visualforce page in Salesforce

    For this step, you'll need to find your Develop > Pages settings in Salesforce. Depending on your account, this may be in several places: Setup > Custom Code > Visualforce Pages Setup >  Build >  Develop >  Pages General Account Settin...
  4. Step 3: Add the Remote Site in Salesforce

    Next, we need to add the knowledge base URL as an allowed Remote Site in Salesforce. To do so: In Salesforce, navigate to Setup > Security > Remote Site Settings. Click on New Remote Site . For the URL, use your knowledge base's homepage UR...
  5. Step 2: Create LoginController apex class in Salesforce

    Now we'll begin setting up the Salesforce components. For all Salesforce steps, you'll need to be in the Setup portion of Salesforce. In Salesforce, go to  Setup > Custom Code > Apex Classes. Create a new apex class. If you do not see a but...
  6. Step 1: Enable Salesforce SSO in KnowledgeOwl

    First, we need to enable Salesforce SSO in KnowledgeOwl and add the Salesforce Login URL. In KnowledgeOwl, go to Settings > SSO. Click on the Salesforce SSO  tab near the top. Check the box next to Enable Salesforce .  In Salesforce, copy t...
  7. Our new Getting Started Guide!

    We've just published a totally rewritten Getting Started Guide, which contains a ton of new best practice guidance, templates, and resources.
  8. Navigation-related features

    Learn about navigation-related features in your table of contents, top navigation, and breadcrumbs.
  9. Set up your account

    When you sign up for KnowledgeOwl , you'll enter your email and password. This is what you'll use to log in to the KnowledgeOwl application . The first time you log in, we'll ask for your first and last name, which is what we'll call you and how y...
  10. Before you start

    A few housekeeping details about our terms and conditions, privacy policy, and more.