If you've been using article ratings, you've probably run into instances where you'd like to be able to reset those ratings--maybe you had a couple test articles you were using previously that are now cluttering up your dashboard/CSV export, or perhaps you want to reset the ratings when you publish a new version to guarantee the ratings reflect the current content. Previously, you'd have had to contact our support team to do this behind the scenes, or create new articles.
No longer!
We're pleased to announce the release of our Reset Article Ratings feature. Now, you can reset the article ratings for:
- Individual articles
Delete single article ratings option
- All ratings for all articles
Delete All article ratings option
You can initiate these resets from the Article Ratings Report in the Reporting Dashboard, right where you see the article rating data displayed.
These actions are split out under separate permissions. Both permissions are automatically given to our default Editor role. If you're using custom author roles that you'd like to have one or both of these permissions, you'll find them in the Dashboard Permissions section of the author role permissions configuration screen.
See Reset article ratings for the full details!