We have great news for customers who use SAML SSO logins for their KnowledgeOwl authors to log in to app.knowledgeowl.com: we've updated the new author welcome experience!
Previously, when you created a new author in Your Account > Authors, and marked them as logging in through SAML login via knowledge base, the welcome email they received sent them to app.knowledgeowl.com, with a password that had nothing to do with their SAML account.
We've updated the welcome email experience here so that it provides login information specific to your knowledge base and SAML configuration. Here's a sample:
Sample SSO author welcome email
The URL listed in step 1 will reflect the URL you have set up for the knowledge base's SAML/SSO configuration.
We hope this creates a much more welcoming first-time experience of KnowledgeOwl for your SSO authors!