Add and access favorite articles

Select and deselect the star icon next to the article title to add and remove favorite articles.

Add an article to your favorites

All favorites are tied to an individual reader or author's account, so each of you can control what you see in this list.

To add an article to your favorites, you must be logged in to the knowledge base. (For authors, the fastest way to do this is to select View knowledge base or View article).

Select the star (or whatever icon you've replaced it with) next to the article title:

An article title with the article icons next to it. An arrow points to the star icon, which is not filled in.Select the star icon to favorite this article

Favorited articles will have a filled-in icon:

An article title with the article icons next to it. An arrow points to the star icon, which is filled in with a solid color.An article with a solid star icon is in your favorites list.

You can favorite up to 50 articles. Once you have reached that maximum, you won't be able to favorite any more.

Remove an article from your favorites

To remove an article from your favorites:

  1. Open the article.
  2. The star (or other icon) next to the article's title should be filled in if the article's in your favorites list:
    An article title with the article icons displayed next to it. An arrow points to the star icon, which is filled in with a solid color.Select the star icon to remove the favorite.
  3. Select it once. The icon returns to an outline-only state. It's now removed from your favorites.
    An article title with the article action icons next to it. An arrow points to the star icon, which is now just an outline.Once the star is unselected, the article's removed from your favorites list.

Reorder your favorites

Your favorites will display in the order you added them, with the most recent at the top of the list.

To change the order, unfavorite and refavorite articles until you get the order you want.

Access your favorite articles

Access favorite articles in several ways, depending on how your knowledge base has been configured:

  1. The Favorites section of the table of contents
    This section shows your entire Favorites list (up to 50 articles), with the most recently favorited first.
    This access method requires that the Enable article favorites in the table of contents setting is turned on for the knowledge base. Refer to Display favorites in the table of contents for more detailed instructions.
  2.  The Favorite Articles list, usually on the homepage or right column
    This article list shows up to 10 of your favorite articles with a See more... link to view the full list.
    An administrator must add this article list to your knowledge base layout for you to use this access method.
  3. The Favorites page
    This page displays your full Favorites list, 10 articles at a time. It matches the order of the table of contents display and is opened from the See more... link in the Favorites article list. The page is always available to logged-in readers and authors at /favorite-articles in your knowledge base.