Author Teams

By default, all authors can edit all content in your knowledge base.

If you'd like to prevent certain authors from editing articles or categories, you can create Author Teams for your authors and restrict articles or categories to editing by specific teams only.

The Restrict Editing to Teams section displays Author Teams configured for your account. Check the boxes next to the team(s) you'd like to restrict editing of this content to.

Authors who aren't a member of the team will be able to see the content, but they won't be able to save any changes to it.

If you restrict a category to specific author teams, all of the subcategories and articles within that category will be restricted to the same teams. When you view a subcategory or article in this situation, the Restrict Editing to Teams section will only display the author team(s) that the parent category is restricted to. See Inherited author team restrictions on working with this type of restriction.