Topic Display Category Display Options

Here's what each of the topic display category Display Options does:

Quick links

When checked, this setting automatically generates and displays a clickable table of contents at the top of the category.

  • If an Intro article is used, the Quick Links will display below that intro article.

Short article titles

If Short Article Titles are available for the articles, the category will display those instead of the full article title.

  • This includes in the Quick Links and however the articles are displayed (accordions, tabs, etc.)

Override article links

If this box is unchecked, an article can be opened by itself at its direct URL or within the topic display category.

Checking this box means the article will always display within this category page, not on its own article page.

Intro article

When checked, this setting will display the first article in this category at the top of the page with no title.

  • If this setting and Quick Links are both used, the Quick Links will display below the Intro article.

Hide description

By default, the topic display category will display its category description before anything else. When this box is checked, the category description is hidden.

See Topic display categories for more details on these settings!