Int'l Kissing Day bug fixes 💋

This week, we've released fixes for these issues:

  • For those of you Requiring login to view files/images, we noticed that this setting was preventing Custom CSS styles from loading in the article editor. We rolled out a fix for that so you should properly see those styles displayed in the editor now.
  • One keen-eyed customer using Versions noticed that creating or editing a version was updating the active/published version's Last Modified date, causing those articles to bump up in their Updated Articles List. We've fixed this--creating, editing, or deleting versions should not update your active version's last modified date!
  • If you're using the option in Settings > Basic to automatically mark articles as Needs Review status after xx amount of time, we fixed a bug that may have been impacting you. If you had this setting enabled, went to Knowledge Base > Manage, and tried to perform a search, the search would not return results. This was due to a mishandling of that automatic needs review state. We've updated the logic so that it properly handles that option and your searches should now return results.
  • For new knowledge bases, the Contact Form wasn't properly displaying its form inputs until the Knowledge Base > Contact Form page was saved. We've updated this so that no save is necessary and Contact Form will work out of the box on new knowledge bases.