Nat'l 😵 Stress Awareness Day 🧘‍♀️ bug fixes

The first Wednesday of November is recognized as National Stress Awareness Day, a day-long event sponsored by the International Stress Management Association (ISMA) to increase public awareness and help people recognize, manage, and reduce stress in their personal and professional lives. This year, ISMA is sponsoring a two-day Online Global Stress and Wellbeing Summit on 3-4 November. Even if the summit isn't in your future, take a few moments this week to breathe a little deeper, if nothing else. 🧘‍♀️

We released two bug fixes recently which hopefully will help reduce stress:

  • Category display fix: In default categories with the subcategory display set to content list, custom content subcategories and URL redirect subcategories were not being displayed. We've updated this set of display options to properly display those subcategories.
  • Copying a knowledge base: Previously, when you copied a knowledge base, if you had any Related Articles assigned to content, those relationships would be included in the copied knowledge base, but would still point back to articles in the original source knowledge base. We've updated the knowledge base copying process so that it wipes clean any assigned Related Articles. (This change has no impact on knowledge bases that were previously created as copies--it only adjusts the copying process moving forward.)

We're also testing some changes to the Standard PDF export process, to help avoid unnecessary timeouts or errors. These aren't finalized yet, but if you are having issues with your Standard PDF export, please let us know!