🦸‍♀️Nat'l Working Moms Day bugfixes

Today is National Working Moms Day. For those of you who are working moms: we see you, we appreciate all you do, and we're pretty darn sure the world would stop working without all of your efforts.

(Also, if you needed a sign to do something just for you: consider this it. 🫕)

In the spirit of people tackling way too many things at once and having things still mostly work out okay, our team has fixed a number of bugs (most of them related to our editor upgrade...no good upgrade goes unpunished!).

Since we have so many of these fixes, mark this one of the rare bugfix release notes with subheadings!

🐛Editor upgrade bugs fixed

Thanks to all of you eagle-eyed authors who have reached out noting things we missed in our editor upgrade testing (and for not being shy to let us know something seemed off!). We've been able to roll out fixes for these issues:

  • Rollback of the Paragraph Style change: In our original release note for the editor upgrade, we noted that div style for alerts had become paragraph style for alerts. We have since rolled back this change because it was making it impossible to add lists or other detailed HTML within the alerts. That means that the funky arrow to get out of the div is also revived. This was too much of a breaking change for some of our authors' existing content. But on the plus side, in redoing this, we were able to fix a few bugs with the existing Div Style behavior, including:
    • Cursor should now be placed inside of the alert after you create a brand new one so you can just start typing.
    • When the cursor in inside of something like a list inside of the alert, toggling to a different alert style will no longer create nested alert divs and will instead properly change the outer alert style.
    • You can now highlight an existing list or several elements such as a list plus an h2 and adding an alert div style should properly wrap them all in the alert div.
  • Link bug #1: In the editor, if you clicked on a hyperlink and then selected the Open Link option, instead of always opening in a new tab, the link would open in the same tab if the link was set to open in the same tab, essentially killing your editor session. We've fixed this back to the proper behavior of always opening it in a separate tab.
  • Link bug #2: If you had a hyperlink that was also underlined and you tried to click on it in the editor, the hyperlink menu would not appear. It should now.
  • Link bug #3: If you added a hyperlink to an image with a caption, the caption didn't display the correct styles. We've updated this.
  • Pasting bug #1: If you pasted some text into an article and Saved without making any other major changes, sometimes the editor didn't recognize the paste and that text was not saved. We've fixed this so all pasted text should be properly saved even without further editor interactions.
  • Pasting bug #2: If you clicked into the end of a list item and tried to paste, sometimes it pasted into that list item; other times, it pasted into the paragraph above or a list item higher up on the page. We've released a fix for this bug but it's a tricky one, so if you still see any weird behavior with pasting into lists, please let us know!
  • Pasting bug #3: Pasting content from non-Microsoft sources into the editor was adding a LOT more in-line styles than in the past. We've adjusted this so that the pasting behavior is similar to what we had previously, where it will strip out most in-line styles. If you were impacted by this bug, you may need to run Clean Formatting on text (or remove it and re-paste it in) to get a cleaner format. It is possible we took this fix too far and now it's stripping out too much, so let us know if you start to see that behavior, instead.
  • Pasting bug #4: In some cases, copying text from elsewhere in an article and pasting it into a list was creating a new list item instead of adding it to the existing list item. This bug seemed to be a result of pasting bugs #2 and #3, and once we fixed those, it stopped happening.

And if you just read all that and thought: "Gee, it seems like their editor upgrade testing protocol didn't have enough test cases for pasting"--you're correct, and I'm updating our testing steps to include far more scenarios for pasting to be sure we don't reintroduce these same bugs in a future upgrade! 🧐

🫱Article editor righthand column bugs fixed

Yes, we're still tidying up some bugs or odd behaviors from the article editor righthand column redo, too:

  • Updated Restrict to Teams summary text when inherited author teams are used: Previously, if the article had inherited author teams from the category, the collapsed section summary text displayed "None." This was misleading, since there were inherited author teams set, just no further refinement of those teams with a checkbox. We've updated this behavior so that if an article is using restricted author teams, the collapsed section summary text properly displays those teams.
  • Versions indecision bug: If you clicked to delete a version, cancelled that deletion, and then chose to activate the version instead, the version was being deleted instead of activated. We've updated this so that the final action you select is the actual action that gets completed.
  • Archive article bug: When you archived an article and clicked the prompt to redirect it to another article/category, the Old Link wasn't properly being added to the selected article/category. We've fixed this.
  • Custom versions bug: if you selected the option to create a new custom version, the "you have unsaved changes" modal popped up, and you chose to discard changes, the custom version number wasn't being used. (It generally used a minor version number instead.) We've fixed this so that discarding changes in the body of the article doesn't also discard your custom version number. 🙃
  • Small tweak to version notes icon color: Thanks to some feedback from one of our customers, we've made a slight change to the version notes icon: previously, if you hadn't added a version note, the icon was grey with a white plus sign. That grey color was giving some authors the impression that they couldn't click on it. So we've adjusted the icon so that it's always yellow, with a white plus sign when there's no note and white lines of text when there is.

🪰Additional bugs the editor upgrade has fixed

In our continued testing of the editor upgrade, we've identified three more bugs that seem fixed just by the upgrade itself (hoot!).

They are:

  • Chrome bug: If the first editor interaction is clicking on an image in Chrome, it scrolled the entire page to the top. This no longer reproduces for us in Chrome, so if you had gotten into the habit of clicking on text before clicking on images, you likely don't need to do this anymore!
  • Table bug: Custom Color Picker sometimes failed for table cell color: This was a bug with the third-party editor, which they fixed in the upgrade.

🥇Last but not least, please join me in giving a personal shout-out to Anne, Lead Support Owl & Breakfast Hoot-dini, who has been navigating being a working mom-owl for the last year and doing an absolutely owl-mazing job.