New SEO Setting for trailing slashes

We've added a new option in Settings > Basic to help maximize your SEO: the option to 301 redirect URLs ending with a trailing slash to non-trailing slash.

Typically, a trailing slash indicates that content is a directory, whereas no trailing slash indicates that content is a file or end-content page. By default, search engine indexing will treat these two URLs as separate content:

Even though they point to the same content.

While we don't use trailing slashes in our URLs, your readers may be adding them manually when they type or link to content, or outside applications may add them on redirects or remote login. While this won't prevent people from finding content, that duplicate SEO indexing can mask actual usage.

To avoid this issue, you can check the box to 301 redirect URLs ending with a trailing slash to a non trailing slash.

Customers using remote authentication or other API-based integrations should check with your IT staff before making this change, as it may break some remote login scripts that expect a trailing slash.

You can read more about this SEO setting and others in our SEO best practices guide.