Popeye the Sailor Man Day bugfixes


It's Popeye the Sailor Man Day, and nothing says "we fixed some bugs" like Popeye tying water into a knot. πŸ˜‚

Though we really did release fixes for these bugs:

  • The copy icon for tags and search phrases was not copying anything. It is now.
  • Those of you using Minimalist theme with a homepage banner image may have had issues with your banner not fully going to the edge of the page. We've adjusted the default styles here, but if you're using this combo and still seeing issues, please contact us and we'll help get it fixed!
  • In Settings > Style, if you clicked Update Logo, the pop-up that opened the file picker wasn't properly displaying existing image files in your File Library. We've fixed it so that it does now.
  • In Topic display categories, two of the Display Settings weren't working properly:
    • Hide from category landing page was actually hiding from the table of contents
    • Hide from the table of contents was actually hiding from the category landing page πŸ™ƒ
    • We've fixed these so that each does what it says it does.
  • If you're using a custom date format in Settings > Basic, the [article("date_published")] merge code would display in our default American format (MM/DD/YYYY) instead. We've fixed this so this merge code properly respects custom date formats.
    If you're using the date_published merge code in your Settings > Style > Custom HTML > Article template, contact us if you need us to regenerate your Individual article PDFs so they display the correct date format.
  • If you were viewing an inactive version marked Ready to Review and you tried to create a new version, you'd be taken to an error page instead of having the new version created. We fixed this so the new version will be properly created from the current active version.
  • We've had a few cases where people didn't realize they needed to add <script> or <style> tags into the Snippets editor, so we've added some explainer text into the editor when you've selected the Code Editor:
    Sample new helper text displays just above the editor pane when you've selected Code Editor