Topic articles: Now in PDFs

Previously, if you were using topic articles, they would not display in the article PDFs where they were embedded.

Due to customer requests, we've made some major changes here to try to include topic articles in more article PDF downloads where they appear:

  • If a topic article has no reader group restrictions, it will be included in the article PDFs for all articles where it's embedded.
  • If a topic article has reader group restrictions, it will only be included in an article PDF download if that content has a matching reader group that is explicitly assigned.
  • In cases where the topic article cannot be included in the PDF download due to reader group restrictions, it will be replaced by the text "Not found".

If you're using reader groups and topic articles, please check out the topic article documentation for a more detailed breakdown of the situations where the topic article will and will not be displayed.

If you already have topic articles being used in articles, you'll need to resave the articles now that we've rolled out these changes so that their PDFs will regenerate with the topic articles. Or contact us to have one of our support owls regenerate all your PDFs!