We've never tracked view data for URL redirect articles since these articles usually direct to resources outside of KnowledgeOwl, so we can't capture any type of Quality View or Quality Score for them.
But we've had a few customers request to be able to see how many times someone has clicked to open URL redirect articles to see if they're actually being used.
We realized we could at least do that!
Starting from last Friday, you'll start to see URL redirect articles show up two places in Reporting > Dashboard:
- We will now track and display Views for URL redirect articles in the Popular Articles Report. We can't capture Quality Views or Quality Score, so you'll see a dash instead of a numeric value for those, similar to this:
Sample views information for URL redirect articles; Quality Views and Quality Score will never show any values
- Now that we are tracking those views for URL redirect articles, those articles will also now appear in the Published Articles with 0 Views.