Your Account > Account bug fixes

After some previous upgrades to Your Account > Account, we had reports of two bugs:

  • For some annual subscribers, once they updated their credit card info, the Account settings page was showing them as monthly subscribers and hiding the details of their payment info.
  • The Update Credit Card pop-up had some odd wording which implied that we would charge the card for your next payment, even if it wasn't due yet
  • For trial customers, a failed payment caused an infinite spinner

We migrated to a new version of Stripe checkout to help fix these issues. We retested with the customers who had reported things and things properly displayed and updated.

If you try to upgrade/downgrade your account or make a billing change and anything unusual happens, please let us know! Our goal with these updates has been to make updating your credit card and/or your plan as smooth as possible. If it feels a little bumpy or you find wording confusing, we'd like to know about it.