🏴‍☠️ Nat'l Talk Like a Pirate Day bugfixes

What's a pirate's favorite letter?
Well, ya think it'd be R, but it's really the C.
Just kidding, it's clearly P, as they'd be quite irate without it!

My deepest apologies, but yesterday was National Talk Like a Pirate Day. As tempting as she be to write this 'ere missive entirrrrely in Pirate... I opted for a dad joke instead. And so, me mateys, here are the most recent bugfixes we've released:

  • When adding code blocks to an article, if you viewed or edited from Code View then switched back to the WYSIWYG editor, it condensed and truncated the code, making it difficult to read. That's not a pleasant experience for anyone, so we fixed that one as quickly as we could. You should not see that behavior now.
  • There was some funkiness in how images that were added before we upgraded the article editor were appearing in the editor. They were aligning properly in text view, but sometimes the editor was showing a different alignment. We've corrected this so the images display the same in the editor as they do in your live article.
  • Previously, if you accidentally selected the Save button twice when creating an author, it created the same author twice. We've resolved this not-cool bug, so now there should be no more accidental duplicate authors.
  • We've fixed an issue that was causing special and accented characters to not display properly in the names of Reader Groups or Authors.
  • We changed the way that we store videos, so some customers may see faster performance with their video content. 
  • Originally, when scheduling an article to publish or be archived, the editor used the U.S. Eastern time zone, rather than the time zone of your knowledge base. This was confusing and required people to do time zone math, as well as causing some glitches for certain time zones. We've cleaned this up so that scheduled articles will publish or archive according to the time zone set in your knowledge base. So if, like me, you live in a time zone outside of EDT/EST, now you can schedule your articles to publish or be archived without having to do any math:

Fun fact: I live in the Atlantic Daylight time zone (ADT), which is home to the maritime provinces of Canada. Our accent is somewhere between Irish and a Pirate, so every day is Speak Like a Pirate Day for me (if I get talking fast enough). 😂