Bug fix round-up April 1, 2020

We just rolled out a fewer small bug fixes:

  • In February, we fixed an issue with Remote authentication + custom reader fields: Apostrophes in custom reader fields created through remote authentication were being encoded differently than apostrophes in custom reader fields created within app.knowledgeowl.com. We have some customers using the remote-auth endpoint for this, and some using remotelogin. We made sure that the fix was applied to both methods.
  • Force SSL: We are getting very close to releasing an in-app SSL cert solution for all customers. In the meantime, to discourage customers from switching back to a non-https: state, we've hidden the Force SSL option from Settings > Basic if it's already been enabled. Given the number of Login issues due to unsecured sites/non-SSL we've seen lately, we hope this is a helpful proactive step.

Deprecation announcement: Kayako Contact Form

We recently re-tested our Contact Form integrations and updated the instructions for them. However, the Kayako integration was in need of some major updates. We reviewed customer usage and determined that this integration is used by very few customers, so we have decided not to put more development resources into updating it.

Customers who are already using this integration will still see it as an option in Knowledge Base > Contact Form; all other customers will not.

Please contact us if you are using this integration and it doesn't seem to be working as you need it to, or if you'd like assistance transitioning your Contact Form to a different send option.