Editor update: Tags & search phrases now support comma-separated lists and copy/paste

We've made a small set of changes to the editor's fields for tags and search phrases:

  • Both fields will now accept a pasted comma-separated list of tags/search phrases; once you hit Enter or tab or click into another field, each list item will be created/added as a new tag or search phrase.
  • Both fields now include a copy icon which, when clicked, will copy the entire field's contents as a comma-separated list.

gif showing the user clicking the copy icon next to tags, pasting that into search phrases, and tabbing to another fieldSample gif showing the above steps. Hover to play.

Check out these changes in all editor views where tags and search phrases are shown, including:

These changes should make it easier to:

  • Copy tags or search phrases and paste them into the other field (as when you accidentally added search phrases when you meant to add tags)
  • Add a large list of tags to an article or category
  • Create tags in bulk from within an article or category