Linked content + suggest API endpoint updates

We released some bug fixes for linked content that impacts the content itself as well as the suggest API endpoint.

Linked content is content that is automatically synchronized within KnowledgeOwl--updating it in one place will automatically update it somewhere else. There are three ways to create linked (synchronized) content in KnowledgeOwl:

  • Using the "Link content to existing article" option when you create a new article (which allows you to create linked articles within the same or a different knowledge base):
  • Using the "Shared content" option when you create a new category (allows you to create linked categories between multiple knowledge bases):
  • And you can create a completely synchronized copy of a knowledge base

For all three linked content types, there is a "parent" piece of content (the original), and a "child" (the copy that is synchronized back to that original).

We found and fixed two issues for child content:

  • If you use the suggest API endpoint, the summary field for child content was previously blank. It is now properly populated.
  • If your search results are formatted to use meta descriptions and to show child articles, those meta descriptions were not properly showing up for the child articles' search results before. They are properly showing now.

These updates include security patches.