Nat'l Get Over It Day bugfixes

I'll admit, today's national holiday title seems a little cheeky, but I figured: aren't bugs the kind of thing we want to get over? It's even better if they're actually fixed, rather than something we choose to ignore. πŸ˜‰

In the last week, we released fixes for these bugs:

  • Search indexing issues: We discovered a bug that impacted a small number of customers, which intermittently prevented the search index from updating as articles were published/updated. We have fixed the underlying bug, but if you are seeing anything unusual in your search results, please contact us so we can run a full search reindex on your knowledge base.
  • Snippet References: snippets that were restricted to reader groups were not showing article references. We've fixed this so they will properly generate the list of articles where they're used now.
  • The Readers CSV export wasn't completing for accounts with over 50k readers. We made some performance tweaks here so that it should now complete (and hopefully quite quickly, too!).
  • The Articles page was not showing the Rejected Draft status badge. (Instead, they displayed more like a published article--confusing!) We've fixed this so you'll now see the Rejected badge next to those articles.
  • Authors with the default Editor role were unable to open Knowledge Base > Exports. We've fixed this.
  • Also on the Knowledge Base > Exports page, a small number of authors were getting a 500 error when they tried to open this page, despite having correct permissions. We also fixed that.
  • In Knowledge Base > Exports > Standard PDF: if you checked the box here to add the link to the full PDF to the table of contents and regenerated the PDF, the link wasn't showing in the table of contents. We also fixed this bug!
  • Speaking of the table of contents: in some cases, versions that were Made Visible to Groups weren't showing for those groups in the table of contents. They should be now. 😊

Not a bug, but still noteworthy:

We made some behind-the-scenes changes to how the Contextual Help Widget (2.0) loads resources. We noticed a lot of unnecessary/extraneous calls being made when the widget was embedded in certain scenarios. We've been monitoring widget load times and traffic and these changes seem to have reduced unnecessary calls significantly and kept the widget loading quickly.