Nat'l Lucky Penny Day bug fixes

It's going to look like a flurry of bug fixes this week; I'm a bit behind on posting them thanks to a Covid infection last week.

However, it's National Lucky Penny Day, which seems like a delightful day to share bug fixes!

Recently, we released fixes for these issues:

  • In Contextual Help Widget 2.0, if the option to "Display article when there is only one recommended" is used, and the single recommended resource was a category, the category was not fully displaying. We've fixed this so that lone category will display properly.
  • Also in Widget 2.0, if you had opened a Related Article within the widget and then selected Open in Full Site, the full site link that opened was from the original article, not the article you'd navigated to. We've updated the logic so it opens the correct article.
  • Thanks to a customer report, we discovered that the reader login r-parameter (which helps direct readers to an article after they login) wasn't working. We've fixed it so that the parameter properly passes people back to the article they originally sought before they had to log in.
  • When viewing an individual reader's profile, the timestamp displayed in the profile was always being displayed in US EST/EDT time zone, even if a different time zone was used in the Readers page and across the knowledge base. We've updated the reader's profile so any dates displayed here use the same time zone as the rest of the knowledge base. :)
  • In the Contact Form, when the option to use multiple email addresses was selected, the dropdown wasn't consistently appearing. This, too, was due to a hiccup with our code upgrade from a couple weeks ago. We've fixed it. (When we initially fixed it, we accidentally enabled a dropdown when only a single email address was used. We also fixed that.)
  • For customers using private domains, we noticed that changes to the reCAPTCHA v2 and v3 fields were not saving/displaying. We've fixed this so they should now save properly and work.
  • In Individual article PDFs, changes to the header and footer were not being applied to newly-generated PDFs. This was due to a release bug from our code upgrade a couple weeks ago. We've fixed it (and sorry for the troubles!).
  • Also in Individual article PDFs, if a snippet is added that uses an API call and filters based on tags, that snippet wasn't properly executing to show text in the PDF. We've updated the PDF generator so that it will recognize article tags, so that API snippets or other logic that uses article tags will work properly. We also load jQuery in PDFs now so that code requiring it should execute.
  • When we first added topic articles to PDFs, if the topic article had a reader group restriction that prevented it from being included in the PDF, we included the phrase "Not found" in the PDF. Thanks to feedback from a few customers, we opted to remove this phrase altogether so that PDFs simply omit the unshowable topic display article content altogether, which better mimics the live knowledge base behavior.
  • In the Popular Articles Report, the CSV export would sometimes fail. We've fixed this so that CSV should always download properly.
  • In Settings > Style, we discovered a bug with Preview Changes. If you had previously checked one of the boxes to enable bare minimum or barer minimum mode, and then later unchecked those boxes and resaved, Preview Changes wouldn't properly load. We've fixed this!
  • When you delete an author, if that author is listed as the official author on one or more articles, you're supposed to be able to use them as a filter in a Manage custom filter. Thanks to the key eye of one of our customers, we discovered that this functionality wasn't working--a deleted author was just disappearing totally from the list, even if they still were listed as an author. We've fixed this so deleted authors will only drop out of the filter once all their content has been assigned to someone else.
  • In our API, the suggest endpoint was throwing errors when the parents field was set to a string. We've updated this endpoint so it won't error when a string is used.
  • With SSO, Custom Attribute Map rules were not executing in order based on how they're displayed. We've updated this so that they will be evaluated in display order.