🤤 Nat'l Potato Chip Day bugfixes

As a North American, I think it's only natural that I am passionate about potato chips. And as a Canadian writing to a mostly American audience, I would like to point you towards this article about Americans ranking Canada's ketchup chips. I disagree with the order of their ranking (Old Dutch are hands down the best, imho), but it might help you have a tastier time next time you come visit your friends here north of the 49th parallel.  

While googling favorite chip flavors (I love my job), I discovered that Lay's has released another Canadian classic chip in the ol' U S of A earlier this year! I suggest you all run out and buy a bag of All Dressed chips, then come back to read the rest of these release notes. 😄

OK, now that you're munching on your new* favorite chip flavor, let's dig into our most recent bugfixes:

  • Special characters in reader groups weren't displaying properly when they were viewed via the create a custom filter dropdown within Manage articles. This was recently fixed, so voilà! — now special characters will display as they ought to there.
  • As an accessibility improvement, we added a role to the search bar form: role=search. This makes it clearer to folks using screen readers where they can go to perform a search and what the purpose of the search input is.
  • We had a customer experience a weird spike in their article ratings, which skewed this part of their reporting data. This was due to spam traffic, and to prevent something like this from happening again, we've implemented a number of different bot checks and added a limit of 1 rating per article, per user, every 60 seconds.
  • There was a broken image in the email you receive when someone leaves a new comment in your knowledge base. Thanks to a recent fix, you shouldn't see any more broken images.

*Reddit tells me that the American version of Lay's All Dressed chip "isn't exactly the same" as the original Canadian version, so even if you've already tried All Dressed chips in Canada, the American version still will be new to you. 🙂