Nat'l Say Something Nice Day bug fixes

Today is National Say Something Nice Day in the U.S. We just wanted to drop all of you a note to say how awesome you are. We're always grateful to be surrounded by so many amazing KO owls and honorary customer owls. 😊

One of the other nice things I can think to say is: hey, we fixed some things! (We also added some feature enhancements, so let's pace ourselves on nice things).

In no particular order, here are some bugs we fixed the end of last week and today:

  • HTML Zip Exports and PDF exports were having some issues generating over the holiday weekend. We released a fix for those issues this morning; please let us know if you run into any further problems!
  • Deleting an author team from your knowledge base when it was the only author team assigned to a category or article was removing the team from all authors but wasn't removing it from categories and articles, so those essentially became uneditable. We've fixed this so that the author team deletes are properly carried out on categories and articles.
  • SMTP setups for subscriptions and reader emails were occasionally having issues with Google did not like the default hostname we were providing. We've changed that hostname so that emails sent using this SMTP setup should properly send now.
  • Modern Contextual Help Widget openArticle functions weren't working properly when the /docs or /home root path was being used for the knowledge base. (They would open the article in the widget but would include the KB's top navigation.) We've fixed this so the root path won't impact the widget view on openArticle.
  • For shared content categories: If you deleted the parent/origin category by opening the category in the editor and selecting "Deleted" from the dropdown and saving, while the content would disappear from the child/clone, the articles within it would sometimes still appear in Manage. The top-level category was being marked as deleted but all the sub-content was not. We've updated this process so that all sub-content in the child/clone category is fully marked as deleted, just as it is if you use the trashcan icon the Articles interface to delete the parent/origin category.
  • Small housekeeping update: We've updated the version of jQuery that our contextual help widgets use to leverage jQuery version 3.6.0. This shouldn't impact any current functionality but provides a much more updated and secure version of jQuery than we were previously using.