New Articles

  1. Exact match searches

    You can perform exact match searches by surrounding your search term in quotation marks. When you perform an exact match search, we perform a special algorithm that looks for exact matches for your search term in the search fields. It is not toleran...
  2. Full text search

    The goal of full text search is to provide the reader with all of the relevant results. The main measurements of search are precision and recall. Precision is the percentage of search results that are relevant. For example, if your search retu...
  3. Autosuggest search

    The goal of autosuggest search is provide the reader with intelligent article suggestions based on what they type in the search box. In order for it to be as fast as possible, we only search within the title, search phrases, permalink, and meta ...
  4. Searching the knowledge base

    There are two basic types of search functions in your knowledge base: Autosuggest : When a reader starts typing into the search bar, we will instantly suggest possible articles based on what they've typed. Full text search : When the reader hit...
  5. Using search

    This section explains the different types of search in KnowledgeOwl and how to use them.
  6. Primary search language

    Primary search language The primary search language determines how we perform the stemming to reduce the words to their root form. You can set this in Settings > Search in the Language section: Why does primary search language matter? The st...
  7. Search testing

    Search testing Once you've made changes to your search weights, use Search Testing to quickly and easily test changes to search weights to see if they're producing the results you want/expect. The Search Testing section is just below the Search W...
  8. Search weights

    Search weights determine the relevance each article field has in search. All fields start with a weight of 1 and have equal relevance in search. You can view your knowledge base's current relevance search weights by going to Settings > Search and ...
  9. Sorting

    Search results are sorted by relevance by default. The goal is to show the most relevant articles at the top of the results. However, sometimes a reader might want to find the most popular, newest, or most recently updated article in the results. I...
  10. Pagination

    Pagination allows your readers to view all possible search results. By default, we return the top 20 articles ranked by relevance.  If you enable pagination, we will display the total search results beneath the search bar and allow the reader to pa...